What is it you believe?
Was Heaven created for just you?
And those that believe in similar ways that you do?
If that were true….
Our Creator wasted His time
In creating so many races and faces
In a diverse mankind
But man ignores the signs
How little we care
Constantly ignoring the truth
Leaves us lost and unaware
Prophets were all different
Yet their messages were the same
While leading people to our Creator
He is One!
They proclaimed
But let a common man explain
And interpret the unseen
And we’ll have numerous versions
Of the same common theme
Various versions and dreams
Like rivers to the sea
Each twisting and winding
Defining where they will be
Each and everyone different
Like the fingerprints of man
As some attempt to limit God
Because they can’t understand
From the West you look East
And it is hard to relate
Different customs have you bamboozled
As you determine their fate
You hear, “All Praise is Due to Allah”
And consider it odd
When in reality in Arabic, “Allah”, simply means, “The God”
Language barriers causing chaos
Comfort levels perplexed
Passing judgment on another
Throwing a noose around his neck
On Sunday morning in the pulpit
Preachers are shaking their fists
Wrapping God in cocoons
Marking off names from his list
Sending Muhammad to hell
For declaring Tawhid
You pray to a god man that bleeds
In Trinitarian creeds
With your arrogant needs
You refuse to concede
You burn the Qur’an
Instead of taking time to read
What would Jesus tell you
If you could hear him today?
About a Prophet and his people
That prays five times each day
Bound by total submission
As defined by ISLAM
Giving praise to Allah (God)
But yet you label us all
If one looks like another
Do they think just the same?
If one resembles Charles Manson
Does that make him insane?
The prophets all came
To address their time
Appointed by God
To guide and give signs
Giving light to the blind
So open your mind
It’s time
Unshackle their words
Don’t pick and choose passages
Or pick and choose what you heard
Allah is the Creator
Of the Heaven’s and Earth
His greatest creation is man
The Prophet Adam came first
With unlimited mercy
Enough for us all
The Christian, Jew, Muslim
Allah responds when we call
Who testify to His Oneness
As Abraham proclaimed
Before there was Jesus
Before Muhammad ever came
There was God, Allah, YHWH
But what’s in a name?
For he is ONE and FOREVER
ONE and FOREVER the same
All Praise is Due to Allah
Author Kenny Bomer
April 3, 2011